Informationsbroschüre Niefern-Öschelbronn

35 J Una enseñanza de gran calidad, escuelas innovadoras, un excelente programa de cuidado de niños después del horario escolar y una amplia oferta de guarderías. J Trabajo social preventivo y sostenible J Casa de la juventud Enz Zone para niños y jóvenes entre 13 y 20 años. J Ofertas para la tercera edad para una vida activa, apoyo y cuidado en el propio hogar, así como ofertas de cen- tros de día y residencias caracterizan al municipio. Convivencia de generaciones: ¿joven o mayor? Offers for seniors for active lifestyle, support and care in their own four walls as well as offers for nursing care and reside in high age give this place its identity. By virtue of the demographical change, the offers for older people have been expanded constantly in Niefern-Oeschel- bronn. The offers for seniors are covered by the societies and churches primarily. There are different services. Besides the frequently weekly events, especially several senior afternoons, there are senior tours or the action day 60+ of the communi- ty. The nursery care and support is covered by a social service centre, the “Diakoniestation” Niefern-Oeschelbronn, as well as by private nursery services. For senior citizens, the residen- tial retirement care centre Johanneshaus is available. An ad- ditional residence building with cared living, located in the centre of Niefern, will expand the offers in the future.