Informationsbroschüre Niefern-Öschelbronn

Science and research are the central motors for the sustain­ ability of our fellowship. There is almost no area of life, which is not deeply impacted by science. This applies to our daily life, as well as to our today’s business environment and eco- nomy. Science and research is too often expected in large metropols or University cities, but the rural areas have to show something in this direction also. Innovation starts with research. But innovation needs perspectives – Niefern-Oe- schelbronn offers a perspective. Carl Gustav Carus-Institut Improving and developing the misteltoe therapy to treat cancer, is core of the research work of the Carl Gustav Carus- Institut and its sponsoring association, the society for suppor­ ting the research of anti-cancer therapy. The anthroposovically oriented institute was invented more than fifty years ago. Main focus of the current research is to improve the tumor efficacy of the misteltoe by encapsulating their drugs. The institute is in cooperation with top universities in Uppsala (Sweden) and Utrecht (Netherlands) and also lectures at Karls- ruhe and Freiburg University. The misteltoe therapy is used by more than half of the cancer patients in Germany and it has an impressing potential to enable tumor cells to degrade their surrounding tissue. The positive result of the misteltoe therapy is to achieve less side effects of standard treatments and the full or partial remission of cancer. 37 Science and research – tradition or innovation? ABNOBA GmbH Production The ABNOBA GmbH (Company with limited liability) is an independent and researching middle-class producer of pharmaceuticals. The ABNOBA shareholders are exclusively charitable orga- nisations. That’s why all company profits are used for the research of cancer. The activities focus on the oncological patient. In the field of oncological medicines, the innovative ABNOBA company is one of the global leaders. Carl Gustav Carus-Institut Carl Gustav Carus-Institut Schüler