Informationsbroschüre Niefern-Öschelbronn

Numbers, informations, facts – city or country? 6 conference guests and business travellers appreciate the central position of Niefern- Oeschelbronn. Five Hotels with 400 beds, as well as diversified dining options, are offering selections for every budget. But not at least, Niefern-Oeschelbronn con- vinces with its dedicated and open-minded people. Niefern and Oeschelbronn are offering an attractive and productive tension between tradition and innovation in many areas. The geographical position close to the cities Pforzheim, Karlsruhe and Stuttgart makes Niefern-Oeschelbronn a popular place of residence. Niefern-Oeschelbronn has everything it needs to offer a liveable and lovable surrounding. Living in an intact environment at the gate of the northern black forest, a powerful infrastructure with primary- and further leading schools as well as kindergartens with different pedagogical orientations. Numerous playgrounds, libraries, as well as free time and cultural activities – several sport places, an public indoor- and an open air swimming pool attracts people from all over the region. A broad mix of companies belong to Niefern-Oeschelbronn, as well as the varied shopping places and the good medical care. Perfect traffic connections by road, bus and railway, as well as numerous successful companies with attractive working conditions, guarantee a high standard of living. Primarily Cifras, datos, hechos: ¿ciudad o campo? J Niefern y Öschelbronn: entre tradición e innovación J Cerca de las grandes ciudades Pforzheim, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart J Escuelas primarias y secundarias J Guarderías, parques infantiles, librerías J Ofertas culturales y de ocio J Polideportivos, piscina cubierta y piscina exterior J Buen tejido industrial J Numerosos comercios J Buena asistencia médica J Una ubicación perfecta cercana a importantes vías de comunicación J Numerosas empresas de renombre J Cinco hoteles con 400 camas J Una oferta gastronómica para cualquier bolsillo © – Map Data: OpenStreetMap ODbL Citizens: app. 12.100 Area: 2.202 ha (5.441 Acres), From that app. 525 ha (1.297 Acres) Wood Sea level: Niefern 230 m Oeschelbronn 432 m